She still the same, feeling hot with her coat on whereas the students with casual wear freezing in the lecturer hall and something funny happen. A student start to tell her to take off her coat so she won't be feeling hot and we can higher the air-con temperature. So she replied to him, " Why you so hamsap one, want people take off their clothes. I should tell your director." All with laughter.XD
Gosh...the lunch for today is very expensive. RM 6.50 with three dishes. T.T and the dishes doesn't taste nice at all..I want back the stall from last year...only with RM 3.80 I can have the same portions of food for my lunch. Haiz...I gonna complain if they still charge me so high for my lunch tomorrow.
I think I'm gonna sport-active for this week except tomorrow where the class will be end at 6 in the evening. Today went to play badminton with my course mates. Sweat a lot and feel refreshed! Lolx... house run out of gas. I still have to solve my dinner because the vegetables I brought can't stand any longer. What can I cook without using gas stove? That's a big challenge for me. So I decided to make '金瓜焖饭' using pumpkin, bell pepper, long beans and rice using rice cooker. In the end, I put too much water and it becomes like half rice half porridge. I added a piece of cheese on it too. Lolx. Still taste good for me. XP
my dinner using rice cooker.